Gargoyles Header Image

River> Hell, I feel ya there. I just ended a personal deactivation of my Facebook account just because of some personal shit having to do with a friend of mine (as seen in the TCG Discord). I seriously was surprised by how much it helped my mental health. To the point my memory was becoming clearer and better outta nowhere. (I don't think there's a DIRECT correlation between the two, but I also highly wouldn't doubt it.)

You really do gotta sometimes just remove social media from your life. I know I replaced it with funny dog video shorts on YouTube and random documentaries on varying subjects. A lot healthier for the mind.
12:29:23 AM MST, Thursday, September 19, 2024
Beauty> I missed websites that you could step away from and then come back to instead of being another thing along my status bar to check. And I also missed being part of a smaller group, like a fish in a pond, rather than a drop in the ocean in the case of social media.

I've been trying to stay away from doom scrolling on the standard big 5/10? big websites since January. I still doomscroll on Reddit too much since it's just too easy to do on my phone. But I try to get onto my personal PC and look at actual websites. I've found Neocities which is like a modern day geocities with a sliiight social twist. And my favorite is Wiby, which is a search engine/surprise me site that links to Old web style sites (gonna link this).
10:08:43 PM MST, Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Honestly, that's what I miss most.
10:01:12 PM MST, Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Adam> Yeah, I never created this with the intention of it becoming what it once was, an active chat - the world it came from no longer exists. A web-based chat room isn't going to be visited as much as stuff that sends you notifications. Hell, even I forget to check for new messages for weeks at a time LOL. But I'm still pretty pleased that anyone showed at all, and it's nice to chat this way again even for a while and maybe help people reconnect. It is nice to read stuff linearly and not from an algorithm for once.
08:06:56 PM MST, Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Nick> That was before they blew their wad on "The Acolyte" and had it tank. That's the POWER OF MAAAANYYYYYY.
07:30:09 PM MST, Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Yeah... Disney made news a few months ago because they were gonna bring it all back... and now....................... silence.
05:49:02 PM MST, Wednesday, September 18, 2024
*angrily shakes fist at the sky*
03:17:50 PM MST, Wednesday, September 18, 2024
After the initial burst of nostalgia-driven interest, this appears to have tapered off.

It's almost like there's nothing new to say about the old show, and little appetite for discussing podcasts and back pain like the middle-aged people we are.
12:27:48 PM MST, Wednesday, September 18, 2024
I have been absolutely terrible at maintaining any presence in online communities. I think the Gargoyles bunch was the only place it was relatively effortless.
07:38:44 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Ha! Better than me. I don't even remember what I did yesterday...
07:20:22 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Hah, well, I have a slightly better grasp on yesterday's events than those twenty-some years ago. But this text box sure is comfy.
07:14:26 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
*wave wave* Feels like yesterday, eh?
07:03:17 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Man, I've missed the ol' joint. Though I think most of my more robust memories are from the Twilight years.
07:03:12 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
A post, perhaps!
06:48:57 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Leo> That makes sense. I read the comment rooms but almost never dropped a comment. The only time I did was when I found out another girl in my high school knew someone in the chat. Coyote was the person that she knew I believe.

Hi Whoever!
06:37:00 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
I first started out in TGS / Station 8 around 2001. I participated more the “comment rooms” which were slower paced. I think Chat rooms were a little more intimidating, My brain isn’t wired to keep track of the multiple convos and I don’t have the talent for on the fly role playing either so I more of a chat lurker
05:56:07 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
*respectfully pushes Nick down the stairs*
03:19:56 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
*Shoves Whoever off a barstool.* ;)
02:25:51 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
I was a late arrival in GFW back in the yonder days, don't remember the year. But part of Twilight Clan for the longest time.

Hello folks!
01:20:59 PM MST, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Lurking as well while I play some FFX.
08:20:36 PM MST, Monday, September 16, 2024
07:16:43 PM MST, Monday, September 16, 2024
Hi again Katman and Carlemot. :)

Hi Leo! Your name seems vaguely familiar but let me know where/when you chatted. I am old and I swear I remember chat colors better than names lol
06:55:36 PM MST, Monday, September 16, 2024
05:59:11 PM MST, Monday, September 16, 2024
03:09:58 PM MST, Monday, September 16, 2024
Gosh, some people who actually overlapped with my time active in the clan for a time. I was a crotchety oldbie at the age of 18 or 19 at that point and already fading into the background. I almost completely left the internet from 19-25 so I basically dropped off the face of the earth and so was unable to keep up with ANYBODY from the 94-99 era and vicey-versey
09:36:50 AM MST, Monday, September 16, 2024
River> Thank you!!!! That was the clan.
04:58:42 PM MST, Sunday, September 15, 2024
Thank you for the invitation, River.
11:15:30 AM MST, Sunday, September 15, 2024
Hi Rosanna and Silverbolt!
10:54:45 AM MST, Sunday, September 15, 2024
Peeking over from the Twilight Clan Chat. Hi everyone!
10:43:20 AM MST, Sunday, September 15, 2024
Back in the chat now after getting my morning stuff done. Time to see if I can get more people to enter the chat.

Beauty> It was Emanon clan (no name backwards). I was part of that clan too. Here's the wayback machine link, though only the landing page works unfortunately :(
10:30:55 AM MST, Sunday, September 15, 2024
Hah, I will have to find the discord - none of those links worked for Twilight Clan. Which one was Stickman's? I think that's the one I was in.
06:57:31 AM MST, Sunday, September 15, 2024
My God this takes me back...
04:19:28 AM MST, Sunday, September 15, 2024
I am heading out for the night, but will return tomorrow.

Haven't typed this in forever: *gone*
10:51:04 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Amd I didn't mean for that to sound snarky.
10:45:04 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
AMGC... some works of Shinga before she became a semi-famous internet cartoonist.
10:29:00 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Here's another old link. Adult monthly gargoyles contest (AMGC) courtesy of the Wayback Machine.
10:26:22 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Though, nice to see my memory is actually still halfway working.
10:19:03 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
I know I was an annoying POS 20-25 years ago, but.... woooooooooooooo boooooooooooooooooooooooooy.....

As I've said, I hope he's matured like the rest of us have.
10:15:46 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024


I HOPE he's changed over the last 20 years.
10:14:45 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Ron, Isa, and I are pretty much the last somewhat active members of Twilight Clan. Rosanna has been popping up again, and Adam and Katz (Matt/Katman/Fencing Master) pop in from time to time.
10:13:52 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Nick> Yes, if you watch the Gargoyles DVD and check out the Gathering DVD extra, they're in there together. That was a Canadian Gathering? Montreal? Timestamped youtube link :)

I attended Los Angeles and Pigeon Forge
10:13:49 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
I also remember Jake... and the gals from Puerto Rico... I think one of them was Caliope but we went to an anime con together and kept in touch for awhile. Jake ended up going to college pretty close to me so we met up a few times and I ended up becoming friends with his girlfriend who I still keep up with. I cannot remember the garg name tho for Jake...
10:11:45 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
*key hinge, And I don't know if that's a real term, but it works.
10:10:06 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
... did he date Isa at any point? That's the keyhinge point.
10:09:23 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Lol fair. Probably. I honestly forgot a lot of the supposed drama maybe? Thank Odin for a terrible memory.
10:07:13 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
I ended up moving for college near him over 20 years ago, dated for a while but broke up on so so terms. For me, it was so long ago that yeah, different person altogether now so no hard feeling from my side.
10:05:30 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
But, as Paul Levesque said:
"If you are the same person you were 10 years ago 10 years later? Then you've messed up."

And a lot of us are going on 20-30 years ago. X_X
10:03:12 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
That AND I'm only 50% sure if I'm right or wrong because THC, CTE, and AGE are getting to me. :P
09:59:50 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Beauty> Well, not good ones. Like... it's been 20 years, so most people let stuff go, but I dunno. Olllllllllllllld drama.
09:59:05 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
*wonders if they are good or bad alarms*
09:51:53 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
*Tries to figure out why alarms are going off in his head.*
09:49:58 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Aww Shade. <3
09:47:13 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Beauty> I remember Nashua and Kristiana and Stickman and Shade. I actually met Sgt Goliath once over 20 years ago (owner of that webpage) and Lex (miniclan) who I run into occasionally at the grocery store. And yes, I remember ICQ, I have it as my text message send. Uh oh! :)
09:45:18 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
It's amazing that ICQ JUST shut down either early this year or sometime last year.
09:43:56 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Oh wow, it has Xeira mentioned. I remember that name too!
09:41:48 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Remember ICQ??
09:39:48 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Holy crap, lots of new messages rolled in a while I was away. Hi Leapleaf!

I chatted in GFW 96 to 04(?) I believe. The web 1.0 was the best. I thought it would be forever but it really wasn't. I'm still in contact with Katman, but he was a Miniclanner, and we never really talked in the same chat rooms.

Beauty> Here's a link to one of the rehosted Geocities websites :) Has some working and broken links.

I feel old and while I use discord (including the twilight one), I never really get it. I actually hopped on IRC the other day to feel the old school vibes.
09:37:11 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Adam> Holy crap, Slapnia. Haven't thought about her in a few decades, but I definitely remember the name.
09:29:14 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Or this?
09:27:23 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Hmm. Maybe this link'll work.
09:26:06 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
There's the Twilight Clan Discord. Only one I know of. Slapnia's not there, though. She and I keep in touch over FB Messenger.
09:25:31 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
I forgot she lived in Minnesota. Lol. I ended up in that very state and have been very happy here the last 7 years. She must have ear wormed me many many many years ago. I remember at first being intimidated and in awe of her. <3

We should start a discord or something. Are there any around?
09:20:42 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Nick> Yeah, Leah recruited heavily from the East Coast. Not sure if that was intentional or coincidence.
09:20:16 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
She's fine, still lives in Minnesota, still takes no shit from anyone and is blunt as hell. She'll probably turn up here soon, I already sent this link to her.

Another one I saw down below I used to talk to a lot back in the day was Demona Taina.

It's kind of odd to think of how long it's been since I've chatted like this, yet how familiar and "normal" it feels.
09:18:58 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
I know I was at the last Gathering in Williamsburg. Only time I've seen any Non-Virginians in person.

Twilight Clan somehow ended up with a LOOOOOOOAD of us from The Commonwealth.
09:18:37 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
These are all names from my past and envoke such fond memories. I think I was in Sticky's clan. You still chat with Slap????? How is she? I miss her. We got close for a bit but as life goes things kind of fade away as we get busy.

I still chat with Deacon Blue from time to time. We've kept in touch. And Guardian - but it's been a hot minute since I last talked with her. Ona and I were penpals for a bit too - but college and life after kind of took me off the net for a spell.

Awwww. I missed out on one held in LA and I was so sad - I didn't learn about it until way later :C
09:13:40 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
I started out in S8 in '96, moved over to GFW '97 to '04, then was among those who migrated to Twilight Chat with Direwolf (Leah Smith) when she started that site up.

In that time, I knew a whole host of people...Stickman, Slapnia, Montanna of Moonsong, Chance Darkholme, Strider, Datron Falcon, Katman...the list goes on and on.

The only one I still know and speak to regularly is Slapnia.

I wound up dating and moving in with Montanna for a couple of years around the turn of the century, then Direwolf introduced me to someone I eventually married (who was never a regular chatter here).

I went to the '04 Gathering in Montreal along with Isa and Iva, but that was the only one.
09:06:26 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
I chatted in here tons when I was 14, at the dawn of the goddamn internet. I’m now 37, married, and living in San Francisco. And I am, forever and always, obsessed with Gargoyles.
08:55:57 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
River> Yeah. Though kinda surprised I made it to now. Seriously figured I woulda ended myself in some ludicrous insane wrestling match by now.
08:54:20 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
River> I know! I am glad this was around when it was and not later, because now internet is forever and I cringe remembering some of my antics back in the day. Congrats River!! That's awesome and exciting. It's so crazy to still be in touch with folks from an internet chat 30 years ago! You should link some of the stuff you find. I came across the monthly gargoyles contest and remembering all the old artists brings back a tear of nostalgia.
08:51:49 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Nick> Yeah, we're all getting there these days. More years lived after the gargoyles heyday than before it. The relentless march of time yaaaay.
08:50:36 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
*Pops in.*

... yeah. My ass is now old, but still around.
07:59:34 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Beauty> Looking at the character picture, and the chat color, I definitely remember you. I'm good! Got married last year with a fellow garg chatter in attendance. Now have two teenage stepdaughters and a 1 year old Aussie pup. Life is a lot different than I thought it would be back when I chatted here for sure. Lately I've been trawling the Internet archive and the rehosted Geocities webpages looking at old gargoyles sites. There's a surprising amount still hanging out there!
River/Baby Fey
07:35:36 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Yes! I was a GFW chatter mostly. I remember you too! How have you been?

I managed to find old artwork I did of my OC and every once in a while the kiddo will find my old sketchbooks and ask me about them. I tried to sit down with them and watch the show on Disney+ but could never hold their interest. I am holding out hope tho!
07:16:11 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Eeeee! New people coming in, so excited!

Beauty> Hi! I am 99% sure you are a GFW chatter, correct? Good to see you!

Katman> Hi there, Mr Best Man at my wedding. You're still in contact with at least one other garg chatter, right?

This website is awful on mobile. Walking the dog currently so have to post this way. I used to dream about being able to post on the go in the 90s. That was a fucking monkey's paw wish :/
River/Baby Fey
06:04:59 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Oh my gosh!! It’s been 20 years at least. This was where I spent my formative years and still have friendships to the day with a few of y’all. Hiyeeee!
05:52:47 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Green. ;)
04:31:00 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Instead of missing any new messages by three days like I usually have, I am going to try to hang around the chat room this weekend so I can greet any visitors. Planning on doing a FFX replay as an era-appropriate side activity in another window.

Hello to any chatters, old or new!
River/Baby Fey
04:17:21 PM MST, Saturday, September 14, 2024
Hi Beth! Glad to see another person found this place!

I'm hoping to promote this place a bit more in the run up to the 30th, but please feel free to link this to any known garg chatters.
08:49:48 AM MST, Wednesday, September 11, 2024
October 2024 will be 30 years of gargoyles!! Let's gather again and do something fun!!
Beth Maza
03:35:04 AM MST, Sunday, September 08, 2024
I am indeed the original Beth Maza from S8 who organized the first Gathering 😁 Hoping to hear from old friends 😘
Beth Maza
03:29:31 AM MST, Sunday, September 08, 2024
Hola! Anyone here from the original s8 chat with Gorebash back in the day?
Beth Maza
03:27:13 AM MST, Sunday, September 08, 2024
Please do not call me Car. I forgot the rest of my name :I I am not a car (vroom)
07:19:45 PM MST, Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Its so weird after the S8 chat went away none of us at the very least started a FB community or something to keep up with each other. We all really dropped the ball on that one haha. I'm really struggling to find out where people may have congregated. (That and I'm back at work now so my time is now minimal!)
07:19:03 PM MST, Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Meant to shop this place around more but was at a convention because I'm still a big ol' nerd!
01:58:56 PM MST, Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Just posted a link to this place in Reddit. If you're here from that link, please leave a message :)
River/Baby Fey
04:36:04 PM MST, Sunday, May 26, 2024
07:42:22 PM MST, Saturday, May 25, 2024
07:42:01 PM MST, Saturday, May 25, 2024
Here's River.
06:52:07 PM MST, Friday, May 24, 2024
Dog tax - here's a picture of Rhaenys
River/Baby Fey
05:51:48 PM MST, Friday, May 24, 2024
I have a chihuahua named Bandito

...because he is a Bandito
11:07:09 AM MST, Friday, May 24, 2024
Comfort and cash, the most seductive of job perks. I get the IT burn-out, though. I wound up facerolling a number of IT jobs at varying levels from call centre up to management. Never again. Ugh. I've been shopping around to see what options I can get for some agricultural study. I think that'd be cool. Small hobby farm type stuff. Haha. I've got a german shepherd, whose name also happens to be River. So named because when we first brought her home, she fell asleep in her water bowl.
09:52:51 AM MST, Friday, May 24, 2024
Hi :) Yeah, wanted something nostalgic for the upcoming anniversary.
09:48:31 AM MST, Friday, May 24, 2024
Wow, this takes me back!
D. Taína
04:52:33 AM MST, Friday, May 24, 2024
I also work in my pajamas, alongside my Australian Shepherd, Rhaenys Targaryen :)
River/Baby Fey
10:55:29 PM MST, Thursday, May 23, 2024
My love of computers and the chat rooms led me to get an Associates in Computer Technology. Moved to Maine near to another chatter from GFW. Didn't stay long in the computer industry - it burnt me out as a job and not hobby, and besides, computers became pretty disposible. But my background with computers and being forced to just figure stuff out has seriously helped me at every job since then. I work in the Medicare insurance industry as a sort of Salesforce page admin (sorta) currently.

I loved the people of Maine but just could not abide the cold as I'd come from Arizona. I'm just a desert creature. So almost 20 years ago I moved to Tucson AZ, now living closer to Tombstone AZ.
River/Baby Fey
10:52:11 PM MST, Thursday, May 23, 2024
I was going to get a degree in Social Work because Portland State University apparently has a nationally renowned social work program but the prerequisites were intimidaing. I'm currently looking into working with people dealing with addiction issues or caught up in the criminal justice system but the money for my current job is too compelling (and I get to work in my pajamas) :(
09:28:21 PM MST, Thursday, May 23, 2024
Green. ;)
09:16:51 PM MST, Thursday, May 23, 2024
Never heard of Twilight that I can recall. A quick search tells me Gore might still be in Mass. I know there was a Deneb on Taps a while back but not sure if it was the same Deneb that kicked around with us. I didn't really keep tabs on anyone. I think I talked to Steph briefly a while back when the Katurran Odyssey book came out. She'd done some art on that. That's about the extent of my usefulness.

Congrats on the Degree. Man, I know /so/ many psychologists now. You're like the fifth or sixth among friends and family. Closest I ever got to going back to school was working at the University of Alberta for a while. Man, did that place ever suck.
08:02:10 PM MST, Thursday, May 23, 2024
Not sure if you knew anyone from there, but the Twilight Clan has been up and running for over 20 years as far as I can tell. It's not too frequently used but I ran into it by chance earlier this year and think I knew a few people from there. To be honest, I feel like I remember colors better than names in GFW at this point?

As far as Miniclan, I knew Lexy IRL, we went to the same college for a year and I lived in the same city as her post college. Would randomly pass by her in the supermarkets.
River/Baby Fey
06:06:59 PM MST, Thursday, May 23, 2024
I'll try to do some detective work when I get the chance but I don't even know where to start There's was so many people with fairly common names like 'Abigail' 'Faye' 'Odin' 'Drizzt' and stuff like that. Makes it so hard to track people down. I found Kithara on Furaffinity at some point but didnt get a response.

I was actually in contact with many oldbies on Myspace about a decade ago but we all lost track of each other when Myspace went kaputski
04:56:16 PM MST, Thursday, May 23, 2024
OMG people found this place. Was going to promote the chat reunion as the date got closer to the 30th anniversary of the show, but I'm so happy people found their way here. What a pleasant surprise :)

I'm really only in contact these days with Namtakthropic (was at my wedding). He chatted in Miniclan I believe.
12:14:43 PM MST, Thursday, May 23, 2024
I suppose I should give my own update. In the past 20 years I've went through many ups and downs in my life. Three different bouts of substance abuse issues, got a degree in Psychology. Went to UK and France for awhile. Have worked in miscellaneous fields unrelated to my degree. Am an aro/queer record collector and ne'erdo well. I am recently 7 months sober and very proud of it. I hike, collect records, have a collection of musical instruments (bongos, keyboard, and bass) that largely collect dust.

My favorite fruit is pineapple, back when I did smoke cigarettes I tended to menthols or camel wides, I still occasionally dabble in psychedelics but have discovered I am largely too old for shenanigans. I really enjoy temperate climates. I live in Portland, Oregon in a heavily bourgeois part of town with a dog, snake and cat.
05:46:01 PM MST, Tuesday, May 21, 2024
I can't recall my years of operation but I was here pretty early, too. It was a time, that's for sure. I do miss the spirit of adventure and community that the early internet held. It was the best time to be online. You know, before capitalism and every monkey with a smartphone wrecked up the joint.

Anyhow, the drama of teenage years has been replaced with the drama of adulthood. I live in Alberta now, remain staunchly uninterested in politics, own a house, car, husband, dog, and have largely retreated from society to become the antisocial shut-in I always longed to be.
05:27:58 PM MST, Tuesday, May 21, 2024
So summoned, I appear. Heyo. Fox Morrigan/TimeFox here. Still alive despite all this time, and able to bust the occasional rhyme.
05:16:03 PM MST, Tuesday, May 21, 2024
P.S. my email is Feel free to email me or just look me up online under Carlemot/CarlemotTwoZero/Carlemot20. The only things I don't really pay attention to anymore are Liveournal/Furafinity/Deviant Art/Tumblr. There are some others but your best best would be Twitter or Blue Sky. I do periodically check everything but all the things listed along with Livejournal are the most sporadic way to touch base with me. I will try to remember to check back here periodically and if hope we get this off the ground.

03:34:52 PM MST, Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Hello, Carlemot here hoping all of us can hook up.I was in the Gargoyles Mini-Clan nearly from the very beginning. Its where I met my first friends on the Internet, had my first relationship, where I came out as gay/queer and took part if numerous Internet drama because most of us were all teenagers just trying to find our place in the world.

The people I'm currently hardcore wanting to find our Jade/Abigail, Lysander, White Serpent, Deneb, Faye, Odin and some others I'm missing. Me and Jade/Abby/Abigail were basically best friends online for years and I have lost complete track of them and I want to catch up.

I am currently in contact with only TimeFox/Fox Morrigan and have lost track of anyone else. If anybody has any clue or way we can track each other down (hopefully it will be a chain of one of us connecting with another person and so on and so forth we can all get together and laugh about the old times.

Here's hoping and thank you for creating this. Let me know how I can help and I'm completely onboard.

03:31:56 PM MST, Tuesday, May 21, 2024


I'm River and I chatted in GFW from 97 to 03. I also went by Baby Fey and Kristen. I made a lot of good friends in the fandom, but sadly have lost touch with all but a few.

In the intervening years, I've lived most of the past few decades in Tucson AZ. The past few years I've been living out in the sticks with my fiance. In the past year I got married, got custody of our two stepdaughters, and then got a puppy cause I didn't think that was enough change in my life in 6 months. I've been tired ever since LOL.

Over the past few months, I've been wondering why being online just isn't fun any more, and have run into communities like Neocities and other pages going into why the Internet has had the fun sucked out of it. One of the big recommendations is staying off of social media and building your own stuff, which I've really enjoyed getting back into. I've been working on rebuilding the experience and feel of the old chat rooms over the past month and it's been an experience. Researching on the Wayback Machine and tweaking like crazy. Mad props to those who made the original rooms with older technology and much less resources online to work through the issues.

So yeah... hi! Stop by and say hi, let us know who you are, where you chatted, and what you've been up to :)
04:06:46 PM MST, Monday, January 01, 2024