Gargoyles Fans Chat


Below you will find a list of some of the commonly asked questions in this chat room

  1. How do I make my words Italic, Bold, etc
  2. Is HTML allowed?
  3. What does ... Mean? (Chat Shorthand)
  4. What is a newbie?
  5. What is a Lurker and what does it mean to be Lurking?

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How do I make my words Italic, Bold, etc

This is done with special tags. The format for this is simple. All you do is put the tags with what you want around the word or words you want to be changed. For example [i]Everything inside this tag is italic[/i] and this is outside the tag. Here are the tags supported in this chat:

  • [b]Bold[/b]
  • [i]Italics[/i]
  • [u]Underline[/u]
  • [s]Strike Out[/s]
  • [c]Small Caps[/c]

Of course, the tags themself won't be visible in the chat afterwards.

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Is HTML allowed?
No. The use of certain text manipulation tags is allowed, but not directly through HTML but through the usage of BBcode like tags (see above for list). Beyond that, no other tags are allowed. The reason for this being that HTML is a powerfull tool. When used certain ways, or not used correctly, can yield unwanted results that could make the chat room unreadable.

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Chat Shorthand
In most chat rooms you will find people writing text that looks like some cryptic code. in actuality it is what is commonly referred to as chat shorthand. The purpose of it is to make it easier and faster to type frequently used words. Below is a small list of what is most often used.
  • ... = "I'm thinking"
  • ADDY = Address
  • BBL = Be Back later
  • BBS = Be Back Soon
  • BRB = Be Right Back
  • DC'ed = DisConected from the internet
  • GTG = Got to Go
  • IRL = In Real Life
  • lo = Hello
  • LOL = Laughing Out Loud
  • LTNS = Long Time No See
  • MOD = Moderator
  • NPC = Non-Player Character
  • OL = OnLine
  • OOC = Out Of Character
  • PPL = People
  • ROFL / ROFLOL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing / Out Loud
  • RP = Role - Play
  • WB = Welcome Back

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What is a newbie?
A newbie has two definitions:
1) Being that you are new to the chat room.
2) How you act and present your character in the chat.

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What is a Lurker and what does it mean to be Lurking?
A lurker is someone who is watching the chat room but not chatting. Hence they are "Lurking" in the shadows. Also a chatter with no name can be called a lurker

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