The Gargoyles Fan Website

The Guidelines

If you are a first time chatter or a long time lurker, please take a second or two to skim over the revised Guidelines for these chat rooms. Doing so will help you to avoid any problems in the future. If you've already read them then you can click here to Enter the Chat
Additional Info can be found in the chat FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

In life, there are two kinds of rules. There are the spoken rules, and the unspoken rules. In this chat, there are also two kind of rules that share obvious similaries with the rules of life.

The first is the set of spoken rules, which we will call 'Real Rules'. In this chatroom, if you break one, you will face the specified consequences. There are no exceptions because they are very straightforward and difficult to misunderstand.

The second is the set of unspoken rules, which we will call 'Courtesy Rules'. Much like belching at the dinner table, this can be considered either horribly rude or a great conversation starter--depending on the company you're currently with.

Below are defined each of the rules for each set, the Real Rules and Courtesy Rules. If you do not understand any of them, please ask a moderator about them so as not to end up stepping in someone's meatloaf (which is often considered rude).

Real Rules

The moderators will strictly enforce these rules. They are not debatable. Do not break these rules if you wish to chat in this room.
  1. No swearing! We do not allow swearing in this room. This point is not arguable. If you swear, you might receive a warning, depending on the circumstances. If you swear again, you may receive another warning. If you swear a third time, you will be banned from the room.
  2. No pornography! There is no form of pornography allowed in this room. No art, no links, no text, or anything related to it. This rule should be very straightforward. If you try to sneak around it, or even up to it, you will be banned to prevent the act from happening.

Courtesy Rules

These rules depend a lot on the situation as well as the chatter feed-back. If everyone in the room is upset because someone is breaking an unspoken rule (which will be spoken here), a moderator will do something. If the current crowd is enjoying the anticts of a chatter that are in clear violation of the unspoken rules (which will be spoken here), it is likely a moderator will take no action to restrain them.
  1. This is a public chatroom! Many people seem to forget two or three things when they enter this chatroom. First, everyone can see what you type. Second, there are more people in the room than just you. Third, ignoring someone is considered rude.
  2. No smoking! Due to the Internet Non-Smoking Act of 1986, we no longer allow cigerettes, cigars, pipes, or any other smoking device in this chat room. If you are seen with such a device, you will be douced immedietly.
  3. No spamming! A good indication as to whether there is spam in the chatroom is to try and eat the words therein. If they taste smooth, porkish, and slimey, it's probably spam. Try adding some basil and rosemary.
  4. No stealing other chatter's names! There are many Mikes in this world, as well as Chrises and Saras and other such names, like Goliath and Elisa. If it's your first time coming into chat and you don't have a previous identity, try and choose an original name. To find out what's taken, ask around the chat. While it's simple enough to be named Mickey while someone else is, it can get confusing to try and talk to two Mickeys in the same room without eye-contact and visual signs to identify between the two.
  5. Use only one name! Once you do pick a name, don't use a different one. And if you come in with no name at all, or a different name, don't play the name guessing game. No one wants to guess your name, and most will probably feel bad if they don't get it right on the first try.
  6. No god-moding! The definition of God-Moding, is the act of putting someone else's actions at your fingertips. For example, if my pet t-rex were to charge at someone, it would not pick them up in its jaws and maul them, it would snap its jaws on them, wait to find out if they managed to dodge it or not, and then proceed to maul them. Every chatters knows the strengths and weaknesses of their own characters. By going outside those limits you are god-moding. By forcing someone else's character to do something, you are god-moding.

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